
The fall of permission marketing (and why it will rise again)

permission-marketingIn 2004, the popularity of the term permission marketing peaked. To be precise, February 2004 was the all time high point for the buzz around permission marketing.  Ever since then, the buzz around permission has more or less declined.

Below is the Google Trends chart for the term “permission marketing” that represents this decline:

3 reasons NOT to use Google Adwords to drive traffic

google-adwords-to-drive-trafficWhen it comes to paid advertising on the internet, the first thought any website owner typically has is to get a Google Adwords campaign up and running.

Google Adwords is slick and fun to use.  The ability to pay for keywords and show up at the top of search results is super valuable.  However, the reality is that this value cannot and will not be harnessed by most businesses. Surprise! Surprise! Google Adwords will probably not work for you.

What is Native Advertising? The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

what-is-native-advertisingYou can’t explain the “what is” of native advertising without explaining the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Why is that? Simply because there’s so much bad and ugly.

Native advertising is advertising at its best and worst. It’s what you would call controversial.  Right now, it’s one of the main things making digital marketers look like ass hats.  IMHO. But before we go there, let’s start with the good.

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