
Creating a viral referral loop: 5 critical skills you must learn

Creating a viral referral loop: 5 critical skills you must learnWhen I used to work in corporate America, there is one memory I will never forget.  It was this project that ate up managers like they were a dozen lemon pepper wings on Super Bowl Sunday.  One of the managers I had along the way, joined the project mid-stream and ended up lasting only a few months before he was let go.  I believe one of the reasons he didn’t last long was embodied by a quote that he would repeat to the team every time something wasn’t going his way.  He would say “you don’t know what you don’t know,” and he said it so often that you would think he didn’t know anything.

Why creating a viral loop is the only goal that matters

Why creating a viral loop is the only goal that mattersOne of the first things you learn when you start on your entrepreneurial journey is that goal setting is critical.  The first goals for many of us is to clean out our cubical and hand in our resignation. Achieving this goal is truly akin to getting a 1000 pound gorilla off your back.  I know because I am coming up on the one year anniversary of doing this exact thing.  But once you have done this, what’s next?  What’s the next big goal you should work towards?

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