
11 Habits of business owners who get the most referrals

how-to-get-referralsIf you can grow your business using referrals, then it’s a sign that you are a smart and savvy business owner.  If your referral business is not growing, then it’s a sign that your daily habits need work.

Habits are the muscles of your business.  Good habits build strong businesses, while bad habits tear down businesses. That’s why you don’t want to just skim this post and move on to the next thing.

Increase open rate? – It’s NOT the Subject Line!

increase-open-rate-1Everybody who does email marketing has the desire to increase open rates. Open rates are one of those things that can really get under your skin. What’s worse than sending out 1000 emails and only getting 20 to 30 people to open it up? Why is everyone else not opening your emails?

Part of the problem is that you keep focusing on the “subject line” of your emails because that’s what you keep hearing everyone talk about.

Well, that advice is about to change with this new research I came across today.

3 Content Marketing Secrets Revealed at ProductCamp Atlanta

content-marketing-secrets-productcamp-atlantaThis weekend I had the pleasure of attending ProductCamp Atlanta 2013.  As always, it was a fun day of learning and networking.  I’ve attended 6 of the 7 ProductCamp’s held in Atlanta since it started back in  2009.  However, this was the first time I attended as a full-time entrepreneur / digital marketing professional instead of a product manager / business analyst.

With that said, my focus this year was less on the product management side and more on the product marketing side. As a result, most of the sessions I attended were focused on marketing.  I wasn’t disappointed either.  There were some really good nuggets of marketing “how to” presented.  This post contains the best of those nuggets, revealing 3 insider secrets on content marketing that (if applied) will push your product marketing efforts to the next level.

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