
How to shortcut word of mouth marketing success

word-of-mouth-marketing-influencers-1Word of mouth is the holy grail of viral marketing because its hard to come by, right?  Wrong.

Word of mouth is the easiest form of marketing available.  Everyday your prospective customers are talking to each other about brands, products, and services.

The problem is that they aren’t talking about yours.  Well today’s your lucky day. I’m going to provide you a surefire shortcut to solve this problem using one simple (yet overlooked) digital marketing technique.

Email Opt-in: How NOT to destroy your credibility with customers

Email-opt-in-best-practicesThe key-word in the title of this post is customer.  Not prospect, not lead, not opportunity. CUSTOMERS.

The lifeblood of your business.  The last thing you want to do is destroy your credibility with CUSTOMERS!

However, data shows that 35% of business unknowingly destroy their credibility with existing customers everyday.  Are you part of this 35% of businesses that are in the dark?

Disturbing eCommerce data your social media manager is hiding from you

social-ecommerce-data-analysisIf you run an e-commerce business such as an online store, and pay a social media manager to help generate sales for you, then this is required reading.   Depending on whether or not you are tracking the ongoing ROI from your social media investments, the data shared below may come as a shock.  

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