
How to use Klout for A/B testing Twitter headlines and time of day viral sharing

How to use Klout for A/B testing Twitter headlines and time of day viral sharingSince Klout was introduced to the world back in the ancient times of social media in 2008, it has been surrounded with controversy. Klout is not controversial in a scammy, sleezy way. It is controversial because it exposes something about you that you would probably prefer to keep private: your popularity.

9 little-known facts that make email more important than Facebook and Twitter

9 little-known facts that make email more important than Facebook and TwitterFor seasoned entrepreneurs and marketers, it is a well known fact that email is still pound for pound the best way to deliver permission-based marketing messages. However, with the rise and dominance of social networking, many new entrepreneurs put building an opt-in email list at the bottom of their things to do list behind building a Facebook page, Twitter and Linkedin account. Although it is a much harder and longer process to build a quality list of opt-in emails, it is well worth your time. Below are some statistics that prove this fact:

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